There Goes the Alarm Ringing in My Head: –

From the very beginning we have been told that time is precious, we should treasure it, it’s like sand and what not. Now we people have got a lot of matter to speak about time. I mean we surely can educate anyone about time management. All that is fine, but with time came the need to set up alarms and with alarms came all my problems and embarrassment. The one feature that I hate the most on a phone is an alarm.
Me and alarms have a very old relationship based on hate, avoidance and neglection (is there any other way to start a relationship?). And why should it not be that way, I am literally afraid of alarms because when an alarm goes off in my room, a chain reaction is kicked into motion. My parents hear it and then they kick me out of my bed, saying I have much more important things to do. So, I have to go all ninja on my phone when any alarm goes off.
From the beginning of time (pun intended) we both have been circling each other, looking for an opening to lunge at the opponent. And guess what, alarm has always won! it surely ruins my sleep what more could it want? But over a period, I have come up with techniques to defeat it (you can’t imagine how many ‘aha’ moments I have had over this very topic). And my best weapon is the ‘stop’ button, who needs to snooze an alarm when you have the power to silence it just by the click of a button (you can’t see me but right now I’m being proud of my evil plans, tenting my fingers and doing the impression of an evil villains laugh). When I tell people that I don’t wake up when my alarm goes off they’re like “Why don’t you keep it away from you, so that you don’t switch it off by mistake and if you do intend to do so then you have to get up and go to your phone and so you’ll wake up eventually.” When they say this, two things cross my mind-
• I’m like, pfft do you think that a mere distance of a couple of feet could wake me up? (seriously don’t insult my sleeping abilities). I would just jump up, run to my phone, switch the alarm off and run back to my bed, faster than Barry Allen (and Usain Bolt for those of you who have been living under a rock).
• Why would I keep my phone away from me, just to wake myself up? I treasure my sleep more than waking up (duh).
Anyway, alarms have added a lot of funny moments to my life. You should see me switching my alarm off, it is even funnier than Kapil Sharma (at least I think so, considering my sprinting abilities while sleeping). A lot of times the only thing that my travelling partners remember about our time together are my ninja abilities for an alarm (which is quite handy because they forget all about the awkward situations that I landed myself into).

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